SEPTEMBER 2023 | The Official Newsletter of Ivy Global School

SEPTEMBER 2023 | The Official Newsletter of Ivy Global School

Message from the Board of Management

Dr. Kyle Konold
Principal of Ivy Global School
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of the students, parents, teachers and staff back to Ivy Global School for another exciting and engaging school year.

For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I am grateful for your commitment to join our IGS family. Every teacher, administrator and staff member are here to assist you to ensure a successful and rewarding academic year.

For the 2023-2024 school year, I hope all of you master new concepts, challenge yourselves to try something new, succeed in all of your courses, make new friends and have a fun and safe school year.
Tháng 6 này, phòng OSA hợp tác cùng tổ chức trẻ em Rồng Xanh - Blue Dragon, tổ chức hoạt động Marathon Walk, nhằm chung tay hỗ trợ cho những trẻ em có hoàn cảnh đặc biệt. Toàn bộ số tiền thu được sẽ được trao trực tiếp cho Tổ chức trẻ em Rồng Xanh - Blue Dragon tại Việt Nam.
Cách thức tham gia:
👉 Bước 1: Truy cập vào đường link
👉 Bước 2: Đăng ký số tiền bạn sẽ ủng hộ cho hoạt động lần này. Khi đăng ký ủng hộ đồng nghĩa với việc bạn đã đăng ký đi bộ gây quỹ quãng đường 10km (hạn hoàn thành trước ngày 10/09/2023).
(Quãng đường và thời gian bạn thực hiện cần được ghi lại và gửi lại cho chương trình)

Đây là hoạt động do Intrepid chi trả toàn bộ 100% chi phí vận hành, vì vậy toàn bộ số tiền quyên góp nhận được sẽ trực tiếp hỗ trợ cho thanh thiếu niên tại Việt Nam!

Hãy chung tay cùng tạo nên cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn cho trẻ em Việt Nam các bạn nhé!





🎈 In the festive atmosphere of the back-to-school season, Ivy Global School, an American online international school, cordially invites parents and students to join the Opening Ceremony for the 2023-2024 school year with the theme: "UNLOCK THE FUTURE."

🕘 Time: 08:30 AM - Sunday, September 10, 2023
🏫 Location:
In-person attendance: Convention Hall, Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Bà Trưng, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội
Online via Zoom platform.

📌 Confirm your participation here:

What's special about the Opening Ceremony?
🌟 Meet and interact directly with the School Board to learn about the new school year's direction.
🌟 Excitement awaits as we reveal which Team Mascot you'll be part of in the "Sorting Ceremony."
🌟 Experience a unique New School Year Opening Ceremony.
🌟 Connect with teachers, staff, and fellow IGS students nationwide.
🌟 Participate in interactive games and receive exciting gifts.

Ivy Global School eagerly awaits the presence of parents and students to create a vibrant and colorful Opening Ceremony, marking the beginning of an exciting new school year!





✅ Đăng ký ngay trước ngày 25.06.2023 tại:

💎Cuộc thi khởi nghiệp toàn cầu - sử dụng hoàn toàn tiếng Anh
💎Cơ hội tham dự các lớp đào tạo xuyên suốt cuộc thi cùng các mentor sở hữu kinh nghiệm trải rộng các lĩnh vực, đa quốc gia
💎Nhận được sự đồng hành và định hướng cho ý tưởng sáng tạo của mình

🏆 Tổng giá trị giải thưởng hơn 7 TỶ ĐỒNG

The Global Future” - Tương lai toàn cầu bắt đầu từ những khát vọng được ươm mầm và phát triển trong một hành trình dài. Những dự án khởi nghiệp thành công không có được sau một đêm. Đó là hành trình kiến tạo từ nhỏ đến lớn, từ địa phương “LOCAL” đến toàn cầu “GLOBAL”. Đó là hành trình mà đội ngũ người trẻ cần KIẾN THỨC - TRẢI NGHIỆM - ĐỔI MỚI.
Với chủ đề “The Global Future”, “IGS Start-up” là cuộc thi khởi nghiệp tìm kiếm và trợ lực cho các dự án khởi nghiệp trẻ để ý tưởng khởi nghiệp bền vững - có giá trị toàn cầu sẽ được thực hiện hoá trong tương lai.

🎓 Đối tượng tham gia:
Học sinh từ lớp 5 đến lớp 10 (năm học 2023-2024), thi cá nhân hoặc theo nhóm (2-5 học sinh/nhóm) được chia thành hai bảng:
💥 Bảng Junior: Lớp 5 - 7
💥 Bảng Senior: Lớp 8 - 10
Điều kiện để tham gia là bạn có niềm yêu thích với hoạt động kinh doanh và có khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh thành thạo trong giao tiếp và thuyết trình.

📅 Các vòng thi của cuộc thi:
📣 Vòng sơ khảo - PITCHING từ 01/06 - 25/06
📣 INFORMATION DAY (Online): 01/07
📣 Vòng 1: ROUND UP (Online) - Thuyết trình ý tưởng (mỗi ngày 2 ca): 08/07- 09/07
📣 Vòng 2: GROW UP - Hoàn thiện dự án: 09/07 - 17/07
📣 Vòng 3: BURN UP (Trực tiếp tại Hà Nội và TP.HCM) - Chung kết và Trao giải: 23/07

💥 Lệ phí thi (sau khi vượt qua vòng sơ khảo): 1,000,000VNĐ/ nhóm
👉🏻 Nhóm dự thi của học sinh đang học tại Ivy Global School được giảm 50% lệ phí thi
👉🏻 Học sinh đóng lệ phí thi trước ngày 28/06 sẽ được giảm 50% lệ phí thi niêm yết

💎Hãy để IGS Start-Up 2023 là bệ phóng cho tương lai của bạn và thế giới! Global Future - Global Leader!





The IGS Start Up 2023 Finals, held both in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as well as virtually via Zoom, brought forth a range of emotions. Above all, it crowned the owners of the most promising and outstanding projects.

Once again, congratulations to the projects:

🥇 First Prize:
Vietnam Souls Project by Team Vietnam Souls
🏅 Potential Awards:
- Thavisc Bio-Charcoal Project by Team Thavisc
- Jeducation Project by Vu Nguyen Khanh Linh
🥇 First Prize:
Youture Project by Tiffany Luu
🏅 Potential Awards:
Groove & Go Project by Team Fireflies
VRex Project by Rex Associates

We hope that the knowledge and skills gained from IGS Start Up 2023 will become valuable experiences in realizing your dreams and passions, both now and in the future.

🌟 IGS Start Up 2023 extends its gratitude to our sponsors: Mind X Technology, IvyPrep Education, Raise - Virtual Parent Assistant, and Quynh Vy Rice Painting, who have been essential to the event's success.

🌟 Thank you to the supportive parents and talented participants who brought fantastic ideas and positive values to the competition.

Let's relive the moments through these competition highlights!

Congratulations to the Winning Project!

👥 Participant: IGS students from grades 8 to 12

The Student Council is a beacon of leadership and unity within the school community. By becoming a member of this esteemed body, students embark on a transformative journey that empowers them with invaluable skills and experiences.

👉 Link to register:

Recruitment timeline:
Step 1: Application Form - Deadline: 11:59 PM - September 25th, 2023
Step 2: Let's Talk - Interview Meetings

Essential benefits:
🔹 Recognition and Achievement: Receive acknowledgement for your contributions through certificates, awards, and recommendations, boosting your personal and academic achievements.
🔸 Resume Enhancement: Stand out on college and future job applications by showcasing your commitment to leadership and community involvement.
🔹 Leadership Opportunities: Progress into higher leadership roles within the council, such as becoming an executive member or taking on specialized responsibilities.
🔸 Professional Development: Develop time management, organization, and multitasking skills that can benefit your academic and professional pursuits.
🔹 Skill Diversification: Acquire a diverse range of skills, including event planning, budget management, and project execution, which can benefit you in various contexts.
🔸 Community Impact: Make a positive difference in the school environment and local community by organizing events, community service projects, and initiatives that address critical issues.

🌈 If you are the one we are looking for, please complete the registration form to provide us with your information and share your motivations for joining. We look forward to welcoming you to our team! ☀️

the representative of IGS students? ✨

Are you ready to become

✨ The Spotlight - IGS Talent Club ✨

👥 Participant: IGS Students from grades K to 7

Welcome to The Spotlight, where the future unfolds and creativity thrives!

✨ Our talent club, open to grades K to 7, is designed to unlock the artistic potential within every young mind. Through engaging and dynamic online sessions, students will have the extraordinary opportunity to interact with accomplished professionals in various art forms such as dancing, acting, singing, photography, cooking and more.

Join us as we embark on a journey of self-expression, exploration, and skill development. Through these interactive sessions, students will gain invaluable insights, learn techniques, and receive guidance from industry experts, enabling them to hone their talents and broaden their artistic horizons. Our diverse range of art forms ensures that each child can find their own unique passion to pursue.

Moreover, if a certain topic particularly ignites the students' interest, we may organize captivating offline workshops wherein they can further immerse themselves in hands-on experiences. The Spotlight fosters an inclusive and supportive environment, encouraging our young stars to shine brightly both online and offline.

Don't miss this chance to be a part of something extraordinary. Follow our Newsletter for more information about The Spotlight! ✨


👥 Participant: Everyone including students, parents, teachers, and staff of IGS

📚 The Bookworm Corner: Stories about Reading 📚

The Extracurricular Activities Department of IGS would like to introduce our first Reading Enhancement Program of the year: The Bookworm Corner!

"The Bookworm Corner" is an opportunity for everyone to express their love for books and inspire others to read by creating videos of reading, reviewing, or discussing their favorite books! The content can be about anything related to books and reading culture.

Anyone can participate individually or with their family and friends!

Every month, the Office of Student Affairs will select 02 impressive videos to feature in the "The Bookworm Corner" section of our newsletter. The chosen contributors will receive a surprise reward of 100,000VND from the school!

 Where Stories About Reading Are Shared!

Launching The Bookworm Corner 

In this September 2023 Newsletter, let's join IGS to welcome the first 02 members of The Bookworm Corner: Ms. Vanessa Sanford and Ms. Le Ngoc Mai Xuan (Mi). They will share interesting topics about reading with us, from the books they love to favorite places to read and compare reading to watching movies. Let's see what they say in the videos below!

This activity takes place monthly, and if there are multiple impressive videos in a month, they will be featured in "The Bookworm Corner" in the following months.

📖 Let's explore the timeless culture of reading together at "The Bookworm Corner" HERE: 📖

Book Review - "Việt Nam Sử Lược" - Ms. Mi

Some topics about Reading - Ms. Vanessa

Let's join The Cycle HCM Club to light up the smiles of Mid-Autumn

We often say that Mid-Autumn Festival is not just about the shimmering lanterns and the sweet taste of mooncakes, but it's also a moment of family, unity, and sharing, where every family comes together to create joy and warmth. However, does every child have the privilege to experience such joyful moments?

With the spirit of sharing the happiness of a family reunion day, "The Firebook 2023" project organized by The Cycle HCM Club was born, with the hope of delivering gifts to the children at Tan Binh Shelter.

We believe that your contribution holds significant importance for the success of this project. Let's together ignite the flame of volunteerism this Mid-Autumn Festival, to create a memorable day for these fragile hearts.
Fundraising Information:
- Beneficiaries: Children at Tan Binh Shelter (1 Dong Den, Ward 12, Tan Binh District)
- Contribution Period: From August 25th to September 17th, 2023

Gift Packages:
- Lantern Escort Package (milk + rice + toys): 239,000 VND
- Feast Unveil Package (milk + rice + toys + mooncakes): 274,000 VND
- Moon Gaze Package (milk + rice + toys + mooncakes + study essentials): 354,000 VND

Contribution Methods:
- Method 1: Bank transfer to Military Bank (MB Bank)
Account Holder: NGUYEN VU THUY TRANG - Coordinator of IvyPrep Education Youth Program
Account Number: 0931412987
- Method 2: Through MoMo wallet
The link to The Firebook 2023 project fund:

Transfer Note: Your full name - The gift package you want to send - A message to the children at the shelter (if any and not exceeding 20 characters)

 The Firebook 2023

Fundraising in Ho Chi Minh City

National Demos Club is ready to have you as Gen 1

Chương trình tuyển thành viên GEN 1:

👥 Participant: IGS Highschool student
Students aged 15-18, passionate about debating

🔎Registration link:

✨ If you are interested in debating and aspire to become a global citizen but fear that you lack the "fire" to contend with others, come join the National Demos Club. 🌟

😈 Becoming a puzzle piece or a master of discourse is indeed no easy feat. To seize that opportunity, each individual must undergo two meticulous selection rounds:
📍 Online application round: 26/8/2023 - 08/09/2023
📍 Direct interview round: 14/09/2023 - 17/09/2023

😈 Nevertheless, don't hesitate; instead, return to our team to gain many exciting experiences and valuable insights. And make sure that your email and Facebook notifications are enabled to easily follow our latest updates!

[𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧]
Phone: 0357177768 (Trúc Ly)
             0946510075 (Hải Linh)


Workshop học sinh Tú tài Mỹ

IvyPrep Education - Ivy Global School kết hợp cùng CLB The Cycle Vietnam tổ chức Workshop “Tuổi teen để teen tự” nhằm đem lại một không gian thảo luận giữa phụ huynh, học sinh và chuyên gia tâm lý về chủ đề làm sao để khơi dậy sự tự tin trong mỗi bạn học sinh.

👉 Link đăng ký tham gia TẠI ĐÂY.

⏰ Hạn đăng ký: 23h00 ngày 18/05/2023

👥 Đối tượng tham gia: phụ huynh, học sinh quan tâm.
Lưu ý: Số lượng khách mời tham gia workshop có giới hạn 50 người. Phụ huynh và học sinh lưu ý đăng ký sớm. Form đăng ký có thể đóng trước thời hạn khi đã đủ số lượng khách mời.
Chương trình “IvyPrep Social Project Development Program” dành riêng cho học sinh từ 14 - 18 tuổi có ước mơ đi du học, đặc biệt Du học Mỹ - một quốc gia với nền giáo dục khai phóng đánh giá cao về hoạt động ngoại khóa của học sinh. Chương trình được tổ chức với mục đích giúp các em khám phá năng lực bản thân, phát triển tài năng, rèn luyện những giá trị tích cực thông qua các dự án xã hội để giải quyết vấn đề trong cộng đồng mà chính các em đang quan tâm.

Đối tượng: Học sinh lớp 8 tới lớp 12 trên toàn quốc
Phí tham gia: 35.000.000/học sinh
Thời gian: Tháng 03/2023

* Lưu ý: Học sinh Ivy Global School được nhận ưu đãi 20% học phí toàn khóa học

IvyPrep Social Project Development Program

👥 Participant: IGS Highschool student

The Social Project Fundraising Skills Workshop is a collaboration between IvyPrep and InGenius to help students learn and equip themselves with knowledge about how to build a social project, develop strategies, and most importantly, acquire fundraising skills for their projects and effective communication - a highly valued skill in every project. With the participation of foreign speakers from InGenius - an organization specializing in student skills from the United States, the workshop will provide you with a fantastic opportunity to network and learn directly from experts, enrich your study abroad toolkit with new social skills.

⏰ Event time: 18:30, September 12, 2023
📍 Venue: IvyPrep Office, 3rd Floor, 27 Le Van Luong Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City

👉 Register here:

Fundraising 101 for student projects

Workshop | IVY - InGenius

👥 Participant: IGS Highschool student

This is a leadership development program for the Executive Boards of Clubs and Student Organizations nationwide.

👥 Target Participants: High school and university students currently holding positions in the Executive Boards of Clubs/Organizations for students.

Registration Deadline: September 30, 2023
📍 Format: 100% Online via Zoom

Benefits of participating in the program:
- Enhance your leadership skills.
- Direct learning and training with Ms. Huyen Luu - Forbes Under 30.
- Network, learn, and expand your connections with other young leaders.
- Receive a Certificate upon completing 80%+ of the course.
- Receive an E-learning membership voucher from VOCO within 1 month.
- Opportunity to establish a close partnership between your Club and VOCO and join the Vietnam Community of Youth Leaders.

👉 Register here:


VOCO Center:

👥 Participant: IGS Highschool student

"ECOHACK" is a creative challenge competition organized regularly in Australia by the University of Western Sydney, ranked as the world's #1 institution for two consecutive years in terms of impact on sustainable development (Times Higher Education IMPACT Rankings 2022 & 2023). This is the first year the competition is coming to Vietnam, providing an exciting platform for high school students.

Challenge question: "How can we mitigate climate change through innovative renewal?"

Working in interdisciplinary teams, participants will propose fresh ideas and solutions to create a sustainable future. The Innovation Challenge is open to Year 11 and 12 students aged 16 and above, interested in STEM, humanities, social sciences, business, education, and health fields. All participants completing the Challenge will receive a digital badge and certificate, enhancing their skills. The competition is expected to attract 20 teams in each of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (with no limit on the number of teams from each high school). The top prize is a fully sponsored 1-week Sydney experience in Australia by the University of Western Sydney for all members of the 2 winning teams.

👉 Learn more:

 Innovating for a sustainable future


👥 Participant: IGS Elementary and Middle school students

The Young Scientist Competition is officially back on the track to "Discovering Clean Air", taking you on an exciting journey of knowledge. This is a creative playground for young scientists to:

Explore and learn about air by collecting data and conducting research.
✨ Build their own dataset using air quality measuring devices.

📌 Duration: August 18th - September 21st
📌 Participant: Students aged 7 - 15 nationwide
📌 Format: Individual or Group
📌 Total Prize Value: Up to 30,000,000 VND
📌 Registration Link:

The Young Scientist Competition "Discovering Clean Air" 2023 promises to offer exciting knowledge experiences. Don't hesitate, register now to become young scientists and join hands in protecting clean air!

👉 Learn more:

 "Searching for Clean Air" Young Scientist 2023

🛎️ Now officially open for applications 

👥 Participant: IGS Highschool student

The Pencil Philosophy Project - Pencil Philosophy is designed to simulate the liberal arts education model for young people in Vietnam. The project is aimed at high school and first-year university students in Vietnam. In this project, participants will explore important concepts and philosophies in Philosophy, Economics, and History. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to enhance your critical thinking, argumentation, and self-expression skills. Each participant will also have the chance to improve their English in an educational environment similar to that of a US university.

"But Actually..." is a small project under Pencil Philosophy that involves participating in and organizing discussions on various phenomena in contemporary life to:
✨ Understand the complex world around you and your place in it better.
✨ Listen, share, and engage in discussions within a community of curious young minds.
✨ Develop research, presentation, and argumentation skills.

Information about the project:

👥 Participant: Young people aged 16-23 living in Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi.
Application deadline: September 10, 2023, at 11:59 PM

👉 Learn more:

The Pencil Philosophy Project - The "But Actually..."

✨ Become a member of 


IGS TALENT SEARCH 2023: Học sinh đạt học bổng xuất sắc nhất

🌟 Thành tích lớn, minh chứng cho nỗ lực trong 1 tháng vừa qua
🌟 Học bông kiến tập đặc biệt đã tìm được chủ nhân
🌟 Nỗ lực để trở thành phiên bản tốt hơn của chính mình

Ivy Global School công bố những gương mặt xuất chúng. Với học bổng 𝗜𝗚𝗦 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯, các bạn học sinh sẽ được phát triển khả năng vượt trội của mình trong một môi trường giáo dục quốc tế tại Ivy Global School, nơi mà sự phát triển toàn diện của các bạn được đặt lên hàng đầu. Từ việc xây dựng kiến thức học thuật đến phát triển các kỹ năng mềm quan trọng như lãnh đạo, giao tiếp, và làm việc nhóm, Ivy Global School cam kết hỗ trợ các bạn trở thành những người trẻ tài năng và tự tin trong tương lai.

Cùng Ivy Global School xem lại và gửi lời chúc mừng đến các học sinh tài năng trên khắp mọi miền tổ quốc. 

IGS's Upcoming events

👉 Link đăng ký tham gia:
⏰ Hạn hoàn thành: 10/09/2023

Marathon Walk 2023

👉 Link đăng ký tham gia:
⏰ Thời gian dự kiến: tháng 07/2023

Trải nghiệm làm phim

🕘 Time: 08:30 AM | 10th September, 2023
🏫 Location: Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội or Online through Zoom

Opening Ceremony 2023-2024: Unlock the Future


 Thời gian: Thứ Hai, ngày 29.05.2023

Lễ Tưởng niệm (Memorial Day)