Homeroom teacher

Ms. Nguyen Thuy Linh

APRIL  2022

Dear our beloved Parents and Students,

My name is Linh Thuy Nguyen and currently, I am the homeroom teacher of class 5A1 and 5A2. Generally, at the beginning of every class, we often have a 10 to 15 minute sharing section on various matters. Recently, we mentioned about the Earth and the environment as Earth Day is coming. Although they are only 5 graders, I am really amazed at their knowledge on the matter. They expressed their concerns, and even suggested some amazing ideas on how to protect the environment.

In my opinion, I think protecting environment can be done by everyone, regardless of ages. It can be as simple as planting trees, sorting waste, or making posters or videos to raise people’s awareness on the matter.
There are a lot of fun and exciting extracurricular activities awaiting this April. My students and I are really looking forward to it as these are good opportunities for students to share their thoughts and feelings about social issues.

Let's join me in this Earth Day campaign this April!

Dear our beloved Parents and Students,

My name is Linh Thuy Nguyen and currently, I am the homeroom teacher of class 5A1 and 5A2. Generally, at the beginning of every class, we often have a 10 to 15 minute sharing section on various matters. Recently, we mentioned about the Earth and the environment as Earth Day is coming. Although they are only 5 graders, I am really amazed at their knowledge on the matter. They expressed their concerns, and even suggested some amazing ideas on how to protect the environment.

In my opinion, I think protecting environment can be done by everyone, regardless of ages. It can be as simple as planting trees, sorting waste, or making posters or videos to raise people’s awareness on the matter.
There are a lot of fun and exciting extracurricular activities awaiting this April. My students and I are really looking forward to it as these are good opportunities for students to share their thoughts and feelings about social issues.

Let's join me in this Earth Day campaign this April!

Homeroom teacher

Ms. Nguyen Thuy Linh

APRIL 2022


Earth Day Project will be a school-wide seried of events oraganized by IGS Office of Student Affiars and IGS Media Club. The project aims to raise awareness about current environemntal issues and foster the harmonious lifestyle between the student body, staff, and factulty with nature. Activities range from student-led information session, Earth saving challenge, and Monthly Popcorn #2.

Stay tuned, change your Zoom background to show support, and live green on April and forever after! 


IGS will launch its E-library service in EPIC starting from April. Students can now access to more than 40,000 books from all grades, topics, and level. Coffee Talk #6 will introduce parents to the use of this service and provide information on how to accompany the reading journey of children effectively. 

Held on the last Sunday of every month, Monthly Popcorn is specifically designed for IGS primary students to be an opportunity for bonding, experiential learning, and joyful moments.

The first Monthly Popcorn episode was held on March 27, themed "Our Messages to the World". Students was able to view war as an unnatural and devastated ocucrance to develop their sense of justice and empathy. They read books about peace and practiced the silence method to make peace with themselve. To conclude the experience, students create their own peace messages via a lot of medium: drawings, videos, poems, music.

The next gathering will be held on the last Sunday of April! Stay tuned!

War is a very good way to:
1. Exhaust citizens and resources.
2. Make enemies.
3. Make terrible marks into the past.
And so this world has no place for it. we need to stay together and solve other important things happening [...]
You in Ukraine will NEVER be alone, trust me. And last, we from another country miles away, with you a better future, luck, health, and happiness.
Victoria Lê.

Victoria (5A1 Honors)

From: Vietnam To: Ukraine Made with peace
[...] Even though life is hard for you (Ukrainian), I hope you won't be sad and sorrowful. Please do not lose hope for a better future, for a world with only peace and harmony! You might be scared, you might be worried, but just remember, we are with you! There are many good people in the world and they won't leave you alone. I wish you happiness and luck.
All the best

Tiffany (5A1 Honors)

Loc Tich Nguyen (2A2)

In March 24 and 28, IGS and Nihon Bunri high school students joined in the series of online culture-exchange together. With an intriguing topic, the students have the space and time to share about their homeland, taboos in their country and the stereotype they've long heard of about their friends' country.

The IGS students have participated in the event with noticeable efforts as shown through their presentation slides or the questions they asked their Japanses friends.

Team OSA (Office of Student Affairs) organized the first check-in session for the Pen Pal participants to get updates on how's the experience going so far and we have collected some interesting feedback from them!

We share about our cute pets, how we argue with our siblings and more. We also share about our houses and also our favorite cultures. She's funny too!😊😊😊

He's similar to me. I think he is so friendly and sociable.
I drew him a picture of his face according to my imagination of him.

Ivy Global School's 2022 Online Summer Camp program with the theme "It's A Big Big World" has officially kicked off. Throughout this journey, students will actively learn and challenge themselves with a variety of fascinating topics from nature, culture to natural sciences.

Like a real trip, students will experience many countries and continents and learn many new skills. Thereby, students will improve their English ability along with cultivating the qualities and skills of a global citizen.

Virtual Study abroad Summer Camp 2022 lasts 6 weeks, the first course starts from June 12, 2022 and ends on July 22, 2022.


